About us
Who are SampleFacts?
Simple facts about SampleFacts
SampleFacts technology is based upon research carried out by Professor Ulf Landegren and Dr Johan Björkestein at Uppsala University. Their vision is to develop intuitive devices that eliminate barriers associated with blood sample collection as required during research, pre-clinical and clinical studies and, ultimately, for applications in the healthcare market. The SampleFacts company was founded in 2023 and is headquartered in Uppsala, Sweden.

Separately collected dry cell- and plasma fractions of blood are perfectly suited for modern molecular analyses. The sampling method will also enable facile construction of extensive biobanks with many consecutive samples from large numbers of donors. These types of longitudinal biobanks are a prerequisite for identifying early markers of disease, and to enable precision medicine in routine patient care.

- Prof. Ulf Landegren

Maryam Poorafshar, Ph.D.

Frida Ekholm
VP of R&D
Board of Directors

Anna Beskow, Ph.D.
Co-founder, Board member

Ove Öhman
Co-founder, Board member

Jon-Sverre Schanche, Ph.D.
Co-founder, Chairman of the board

Gunilla Lundmark
Co-founder, Board member

Ulf Landegren, Ph.D.
Co-founder, Board member
Scientific Advisor